3 Essential Things You Must Know Before Buying A Diamond

As they say, diamonds really are a girl’s best friend. But anyone can appreciate a good diamond, and it is something which can be a perfect way to celebrate just about any occasion.

Whether you are thinking about buying a diamond for your other half’s birthday, you’re looking to propose to someone, or you just want to treat yourself, diamonds are perfect for many reasons. But you don’t want to just jump into this kind of purchase head-on without understanding what you’re doing.

[ctt template=”1″ link=”dcjcG” via=”yes” ]Here are a few things you should know before you buy a diamond.[/ctt]

It pays to know a few essential things before buying a diamond, so you can be sure you know exactly what you are getting. Let’s look at a few things you should know before you buy a diamond.

3 Essential Things You Must Know Before Buying A Diamond - Engagement Ring and Wedding BandPic

1) The Fifth C – Certification

In the world of diamonds, you have what are commonly referred to as the four c’s: carat, color, cut and clarity. These are obvious enough, but there is a lesser-known so-called fifth c which you should also look into: certification.

Gaining certification for your diamond shows that it is genuine, that you can sell it on as a diamond, and that it is the real deal. You should always aim to get certification whenever possible, as it ensures that you are really getting what you want to get.

Of course, certifications can be faked, so be on the lookout for one that you genuinely trust and believe in. With that, you will have more faith in your diamond itself.

Show Me The Diamond!

2) Cut Grade

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One of the single biggest determinants of diamond price is the cut grade. You need to know all about the importance of cut grade before you go out to buy a diamond, as it really does make an enormous difference to the quality of the diamond, and its potential value as well.

In short, you have a general rating given to each diamond determining its polish and symmetry – and the better the grade, the more valuable the diamond is likely to be on the whole. This is something you really can’t overlook if you want to make sure you are getting everything you have paid for, so it’s worth looking into what the different ratings actually mean.

3 Essential Things You Must Know Before Buying A Diamond - Bride and GroomPic

3) Demand

As with anything else, diamonds do not exist in a vacuum. They reside in a marketplace, and the better you understand the marketplace the more likely it is that you can get your money’s worth when you buy a diamond.

It’s worth finding out from a professional what kind of market value and demand your particular kind of diamond has, so that you can effectively pay the right price for it. This is something that you can’t easily do without a professional, but regardless you need to focus on it if you are to get this just right.

As long as you take all this into account, you will be able to get much more for your money, and you will also therefore be more likely to delight your other half, or yourself, depending on who is the recipient.

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* This is a contributed post

I hope you found this information on buying a diamond useful!

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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