How To Plan An Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Wedding

How To Plan An Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Wedding - Bride’s Bouquet

Being eco-friendly, and planning an eco-friendly, sustainable wedding is not a new concept, nor is it a passing fad. Through the years, I’ve shared posts about ways to go green and be eco-friendly on your wedding day. But what do “eco-friendly” and “sustainability” really mean?

Simply put, eco-friendly is “not environmentally harmful,” while sustainable refers to “a method of . . . using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.” (Definitions by Merriam-Webster).

So, the next logical question is, “How do we do that?”

In previous posts I talked about ways to go green, such as your invitations and going pesticide-free for outdoor receptions,

But what are ways to go green to achieve sustainability and zero-waste on your wedding day?

[bctt tweet=”The Guide to Sustainable, Zero-Waste, Ethical Weddings” username=”wedbyjean”]

For an amazing resource on the topic, check out “The Guide to Sustainable, Zero-Waste, Ethical Weddings”.  It is perhaps the most thorough, in-depth guide you will ever read. You’ll find practical suggestions on how to make your wedding eco-friendly and sustainable, without compromising on quality.

How To Plan An Eco-Friendly, Sustainable Wedding - Catering

It’s shocking at how much waste is created during a wedding. According to “The Guide to Sustainable, Zero-Waste, Ethical Weddings” £488 is wasted on food at every wedding. And one wedding can produce as much as 20kg of plastic waste. (That’s equivalent to ~$624, and ~44 lbs).

I get that weddings cost a lot, and in an attempt to save some money, you may be considering going cheaper by using disposable plates and napkins. But are those plates and napkins just going to end up in a landfill somewhere? There are alternatives that will lessen the waste and be budget-friendly, as well as sustainable options for your flowers and decor, lighting, and even your gift registry.

See also  Paws and Promises: How to Make Your Pet a Cherished Part of Your Wedding Day

To find them, and other ideas, use this guide for ways to incorporate sustainable practices in your wedding plans. Talk with your wedding pros about what they can do to help.

Photo Credits:
Bride’s Bouquet – Elliot Balynn via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Catering – Lissa Franke via Flickr Public Domain Mark 1.0

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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