Planning a wedding can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or not enjoyable. If you are starting to feel that planning your wedding isn’t fun anymore, and that it is all getting too much, it may be time to step back and reassess. There are some strategies you might want to consider to help you get around it and to get through it.
In this post, we’ll take you through some of the main things you might want to do when wedding planning gets on top of you, to help you make the most of it and regain the joy in your planning process.
How to Handle Wedding Planning Stress and Enjoy the Process
Photo Credit: Asad Photo Maldives via Pexels
Step Back
Chances are, you still have plenty of time to prepare, so there is nothing wrong if you simply take some time off from any preparations for the big day. If you’re feeling wedding planning stress and need a little space, then you should aim to get it, and the simplest way to do that is just to step back and do something that brings you joy. Take a walk in nature, read a book, go out on a date with your partner, practice mindfulness exercises. . . the list is endless.
If you have people around you who can help, this is going to make a difference – but even if you don’t, you are probably able to step back a little and it should still be fine.
Ignore The Voices
You probably have plenty of voices chiming in—some gently whispering, others loudly insisting, telling you what you ‘need’ to do, how your wedding ‘should’ be, and so on. Unfortunately, they just don’t realize that their helpful intentions are causing wedding planning stress. These are often very strong and might come from some important people in your life, such as a parent, sibling, or BFF, and further complicating matters is the fact that some of those people might be helping to pay for the wedding. Regardless, if trying to keep them all happy is causing you stress, it’s time to take a step back. Remind yourself that you can’t make everyone happy (nor should you have to). Remember that it’s your wedding—well, yours and your partner’s.
Photo Credit: Edward Eyer via Pexels
Get Some Help
If you haven’t already hired someone to help, it’s worth reconsidering. Finding someone whocan provide the right support can make the wedding planning go a lot more easily and seamlessly. This might just mean asking close friends or family if they can assist, or it might mean getting a professional team to help – a quick search for event planning near me is a great place to start. However you do it, having the right help can make a world of difference in creating a wedding planning experience that feels manageable and enjoyable.
Get Some Perspective
At the end of the day, your wedding is about celebrating love between you and your partner, and creating an environment where your guests can have a good time and come away with joyful memories. If planning starts to feel like nothing but stress and hard work, it might be time to step back and reset your perspective. It’s just one day—an incredibly special one—but you deserve to enjoy it, both in the planning process and on the big day itself. Keep that in mind and focus on what truly matters to help alleviate any wedding planning stress.
* This is a contributed postI hope you found this information useful!
Hearts, Joy, Love!
Author of “Wedding Invitations, RSVPs, and More! Oh My!” and “From ‘I Will’ to ‘I Do’”