Don’t do your wedding planning online through social media. Or at least be aware of what you’re asking, and what you’re getting. Social media is a wonderful tool. We can share what’s going on in our lives. We can get a lot of current information. And who can resist those funny dog and cat videos? … Continue reading Consider This Before You Plan Your Wedding Through Social Media
Tag: social media
Social Media (When Planning Your Wedding) – Friend or Foe?
It’s probably safe to say that social media plays a huge role in your daily life. Your iPhone or similar device is always on and if not in your hands, close by. And it can be a big help if you choose to incorporate social media when planning your wedding. Social media is a tool, … Continue reading Social Media (When Planning Your Wedding) – Friend or Foe?
Consider This Before You Plan Your Wedding Through Social Media
Don’t do your wedding planning online through social media. Or at least be aware of what you’re asking, and what you’re getting. Social media is a wonderful tool. We can share what’s going on in our lives. We can get a lot of current information. And who can resist those funny dog and cat videos? … Continue reading Consider This Before You Plan Your Wedding Through Social Media