9 Things No One Tells You About Wedding Planning – Why Aren’t They?

wedding planningNot too long ago, I read an article titled “9 Things No One Tells You About Wedding Planning.”

It has lots of helpful information that will help ensure that the wedding day turns out they way the couple want it to be.

All of these tips that supposedly aren’t being told, such as . . .

  • Don’t start planning the second you get engaged
  • Make a list of all the most important photos you want taken on your wedding day
  • It takes approximately 250 hours to plan a wedding
  • Allow time to call people on your invitation list who didn’t send back the rsvp
  • Plan a budget

. . . are spot on.

So I’m just wondering why is no one sharing this info with their brides and grooms?

These tips are all things I regularly tell my couples. Ok, probably not exactly verbatim, but the info gets passed along.

How I Got Started as a Wedding Planner

I wholeheartedly agree with the first sentence of the article, “It’s an unfortunate, but often inevitable, part of planning a wedding that there are just some things you won’t know or realize until after the big day is over.” I mean, you don’t know what you don’t know. (And when you start planning your wedding it’s inevitable that you won’t know stuff, unless you’ve planned several weddings before).

But your vendor team should be keeping this “unknown wedding planning information” to a minimum. They should keep you informed so your planning and wedding day will go as smoothly as possible.

So you don’t end up stressing out over the idea of “what am I missing” here is a link to the original article.

See also  #1 Thing Wedding Guests Hate - Waiting! and 3 Easy Ways To Avoid It

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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Photo credit: Rustic style marquee via photopin

Let’s make sure you aren’t missing anything! Contact me today at [email protected] or at 937-235-2586 or 937-581-3647!

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