Wedding Planning Advice To Keep You Relaxed & Organized

Wedding Planning Advice
All the planning and decision making that go into pulling the gazillion aspects of your wedding into place can leave you stressed out beyond belief. The following pieces of wedding planning advice can help you stay relaxed, organized, and focused on the important aspects of your wedding.


Wedding Planning Advice To Keep You Relaxed and Organized

1) Do whatever you need to do to unwind, relax and sleep well
Take your vitamins, exercise, and find effective emotional outlets for releasing the stress you feel. Remember your groom. Do fun things together and plan together.

2) Get and stay organized
Start early and document every decision made around your wedding day. It doesn’t matter if you keep records on line or in file folders or a paper bag. Find a system that works for you, implement it early on, and keep it current.

3) Determine your wedding priorities
Along with your bride- or groom-to-be, set and agree on priorities. Identify those key items that you both really want (and don’t want), and areas where you want to splurge and can under spend.

4) Be grateful for all that you have and for everything others are doing for you
You will get gifts, good wishes, and offers to help. Thank those who offer assistance whether you take them up on that offer or not. Because weddings are happy occasions, people feel good and want to help if they can. It’s nice to be a part of a positive and joyous event.

5) Remember your plan and stick with it
Yes, you’ll hear of a great idea or see something at someone else’s wedding that you’d like to adopt for yours, even though you may already have plans in place for your wedding. Be careful of over thinking or playing “one upmanship.” Is this new idea something you really want or makes sense for your wedding? What plans will you have to change or give up for it? Remember to plan your (and your fiancé’s) wedding, not copy someone else.

See also  6 Top Wedding Planning Dos and Don’ts

And the best wedding planning advice of all . . .

6) Let go of bridal guilt!
You can’t make everyone happy all the time. It’s not worth the worry and stress. Sometimes guilt is ok as it can help us acknowledge and deal with others’ feelings. But most of the time we are simply afraid of letting someone down or hurting someone’s feelings. Of course you should be aware of the feelings of others. But remember that on your wedding day, first and foremost, you are there to please yourself and your bride/groom as the two of you begin your new life together.

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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For planning help and unique ideas for your wedding call or text me at 937-581-3647, or email me at [email protected]

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