3 Inexpensive Ways To Make Your Wedding Guests Feel Welcome

3 Inexpensive Ways To Make Your Wedding Guests Feel WelcomePhoto Credit

One of the bigger concerns when planning for your wedding is to try and consider all the ways you can make your guests feel welcome and make the day as enjoyable as possible for everyone.

Of course it is your day above anyone else’s, but you still want to make sure that it is a fun day for all who are invited.

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to make your wedding guests feel welcome, as comfortable (and in turn, more enjoyable) as possible.

A Welcome Drink

Let’s be honest – of all the things that people look for at a wedding, one of the major ones is booze. Although you don’t need to go all out and do the open bar route, at least offer them a welcome glass of champagne or other festive beverage when they walk through the doors. This is a great way to welcome them, and it gets the wedding off to a good start.

A Favor

You are probably already racking your brains trying to figure out what to do for the favors. The truth is there are so many options, ranging from personalized candy bars to a mix tape of the music at the event, or whatever else you can think of. Most guests really don’t expect a favor, but it is a simple way to offer something as thanks for coming. Of course, do bear in mind that it doesn’t have to be anything large or costly.

Fun Elements At Their Tables

A great but subtle way to make your guests feel even more welcome is to add fun, unique elements to their tables. Name the tables instead of numbering them; include fun activities (like Mad-Libs, Bride & Groom Trivia, and Dare or Dare). Another way to make them feel special is to handwrite a little note to each guest, and put them at each person’s place setting.

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Putting this extra work in will certainly make a considerable difference for your wedding guests in the long run.

* This is a contributed post

I hope you found this information useful!

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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