3 Simple Ways To Beat Wedding Stress

3 Ways To Beat Wedding Stress

Engaged! Happy! Stressed!

This brings to mind the old Sesame Street skit of “One Of These Things Just Doesn’t Belong.”

Engaged! Yes.

Happy! Yes.

Stressed? That emotion doesn’t fit the other two. But it can be very real for some brides.

It happens when you have many decisions to make – the ceremony and reception locations, what to wear, what to serve, who should be your attendants, how much will it cost, what is our “theme” . . .

All of these decisions and more can generate a case of “wedding jitters”.

To beat wedding stress, or at least make it manageable, consider these key causes of stress:

1) If your stress is caused by possible money issues, make sure that as a couple you discuss and determine your priorities.

List all of the things that you could possible have at your wedding, then number them with #1 being the most important and #14 being the least. Have your fiancé do the same.

Discuss your lists and pick the top three to five items. Then, look at the funds that are available and make adjustments where necessary to make these areas happen.

5 Proven Ways to Beat Your Wedding Planning Stress

2) If family is the source of stress, be clear about what is stressing you and be firm about communicating your feelings. Talk out the issues that you see with parents, friends, and those involved.

Be gracious but firm about expressing your views and concerns. Don’t just “stuff” the feelings as they could end up causing permanent estrangement.

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[ctt template=”1″ link=”Z8ByY” via=”yes” ]To beat wedding stress, or at least make it manageable, consider these key causes of stress:[/ctt]

3) If the stress is coming from the crush of events and you are feeling overwhelmed, SHARE the responsibilities.

Hire a wedding planner, enlist your fiance’s help, ask your parents to take over specific jobs. Enlist your maid of honor or other relatives who have offered to help. Invest in a wedding planning book and be diligent about entering plans made, dates set, and budget status.

Make sure you are getting enough sleep. Take care of your health, make use of your gym membership, and exercise stress away.

To help beat wedding stress, when it all seems too much, I’d be happy to talk with you and help you put it all in perspective and remind you of what is truly important in your wedding.

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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Weddings From The Heart can make your wedding day stress-free, enjoyable, and just the way you want. Call or text me at 937-581-3647, or send an email to [email protected], to schedule your free appointment!

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