7 Signs You’re Ready To Fall in Love

signs you're ready to fall in love - couple forming heart shape with their hands
Photo by Kristina Litvjak on Unsplash

There are lots of advantages to being single. For example, it allows you the time to learn about yourself on a deeper level and reflect on past relationships. Going on dates is also a great way to meet a variety of people and figure out what you like or don’t like in another person.

In short, being single can teach us invaluable things about ourselves and what we want from life. Eventually, though, most people want to settle down with a partner in a long-term relationship.

Knowing when to do that can be tricky—some people are optimistic about everyone they meet, while others are always much more guarded and cautious.

The truth is, there is never a perfect or right time to fall in love. However, there are signs that can help you recognize when you may be emotionally ready to take on a committed partner.

7 Signs You’re Ready To Fall In Love

1. You’re Happy With Where You Are in Life

Clichés are true for a reason, and the one that says “you can’t love someone else until you love yourself” is no exception. If you’re majorly unhappy, chances are you won’t make a very good romantic partner. Of course, no one’s life is perfect, and each day presents us with challenges and disappointments.

However, there is a big difference between getting bummed out sometimes versus absolutely hating your job or experiencing self-loathing.

Before you can fall in love, you need to find peace with who you are and where you are in life. True happiness comes from within ourselves, not from someone else.

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2. You’re Not Looking for Someone to Complete You

This is similar to the previous sign, in the sense that a relationship is not meant to fix you or complete you. A relationship should enrich your life, not be its only source of happiness. If you completely rely on another person to be happy, you will, ironically, never be happy at all.

Only once you feel whole on your own can you invite another person into your heart. A healthy relationship is where two people learn, grow, and become emotionally intimate with one another, but not emotionally dependent.

3. You Can Accept Another Person for Who They Are

A big sign that you’re ready to fall in love is that you’re willing to accept another person for who they truly are. It’s easy to fantasize about your beautiful and perfect ideal partner—but what doesn’t make it into that fantasy are the realities of daily life.

No one is perfect, and every single person has quirks (including you!). You’re not always going to have the same opinions as your partner, and they might have a habit or two that drives you nuts.

As long as they aren’t huge or fundamental differences, learning to accept the person for their flaws is paramount to finding love. Chances are you will do things that annoy them, too.

4. You Understand the Importance of Communication

Any relationship is bound to fail without effective and consistent communication. Holding onto thoughts or feelings can lead to big issues later on. In a healthy relationship, you should feel comfortable sharing your needs and desires with the other person, without any fear of rejection or creating conflict. You should also feel comfortable hearing theirs, too.

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The ability to communicate your vulnerable feelings to another person, and vice versa, is crucial to maintaining a happy relationship. If you’re confident in your communication skills, that’s a sure sign you’re ready to fall in love.

person in sweater being hugged
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

5. You’re Over Your Ex

Relationships end for all kinds of reasons, and some are harder to get over than others. If you’re still thinking about your last partner or comparing them to new people you meet, that’s a big sign you’re not ready for something new. Moving on from past romances can be painful, and you need to make sure you’ve given yourself the proper amount of time to heal before jumping into something else.

They’re bound to pop up in your life now and then, but if thoughts of them are beginning to fade and they no longer consume your emotions, that’s a sign you’re ready to fall in love again.

6. You Have Time for a Partner

If you’ve just started a new career and are working 10 hours a day, maybe a new relationship isn’t the best idea right now. On the other hand, if you’re a workaholic, perhaps you should adjust your priorities in life. A sign you’re ready to fall in love is that you’re willing to commit your time and attention to another person. If you’re ready you make time for someone else, you’re ready for love.

7. You’ve Gotten Rid of Your “Perfect Partner”

If you have a long checklist for what your perfect partner needs to have, you will never find love. Stop looking for superficial or external traits, like height or salary. When you limit yourself to these things, you limit yourself from meeting a whole variety of interesting and valuable people.

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If you hold people up to impossible standards, they are guaranteed to fail or disappoint you. Once you get rid of your assumptions of what they should be, you will become much more likely to find meaningful relationships.

A checklist won’t find you the perfect relationship—being open, communicative, and accepting of other people will.

Share Yourself With Another Person

In the end, falling in love and developing a meaningful relationship with someone takes a lot of work and self-reflection. You need to learn to love yourself, feel content with where you are in life, accept people for who they are, understand the importance of communication, and make time in your schedule.

Expecting total happiness from your partner will only lead to disappointment. Whether through gifts, actions, or quality time, a romantic partner should add happiness to your life, but they can’t be your sole source of happiness.

Acknowledging these things and working on yourself to reach these goals are big signs you’re ready to fall in love.

Author Bio:

Tess DiNapoli - author of 7 Signs You’re Ready To Fall in LoveTess DiNapoli is an artist, freelance writer, and content strategist. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about health and wellness, but also enjoys covering the fashion industry and world of fitness.

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