The Top 6 Wedding Planning Mistakes Couples Make

To help make the planning (and pre-planning) stages of your wedding day go smoother and less stressful, keep these common 6 wedding planning mistakes in mind.

6 Common Wedding Planning Mistakes

# 1: Making Plans Too Soon After the Engagement
wedding planning magazines

photo credit: springsandra via photopin cc

Weddings are an exciting time, and I get that. When you become engaged you’re excited to get started with all of the fun of planning your big day.

But some couples jump in too soon. As soon as they get engaged, some couples start pouring through wedding magazines, surfing the internet for wedding planning websites, sifting through Pinterest and creating a “My Wedding Day” pin board . . .

Believe me, you will have plenty of time to do all that and more, but for right now . . .

Enjoy being engaged!

Show off your ring. Relish being a fiancée. There’s time for the planning.

When couples jump in and start planning too quickly, they often overlook things such as a budget, or even sitting down with each other to discuss how they both envision and what they want for their wedding day.

You want all of the components of your wedding day – your dress, your flowers, your venue, and everything else – to coordinate and work together. Diving in too soon and you may end up with a mish-mosh. Also, if you start with a budget in place, you’ll know what you can afford, and end up getting the things you really want.

Make a game plan first – then start planning.

# 2: Not Having a Rain Plan

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rain on the wedding day

photo credit: John_Wright via photopin cc

If you are planning an outdoor ceremony or reception, it’s an absolute must to take into consideration the possibility that Mother Nature won’t be cooperative.

While it’s so easy to hope for sunny skies, or assume that it “just can’t possibly rain on my wedding day,” you have to be realistic.

Have a “Plan B” in place – rent a tent or a small indoor venue, have several umbrellas available (perfect for rain or too much sun).

# 3: Assuming That an Outdoor Tent Reception Will Be Cheaper and Easier

tent wedding reception

Too often I’ve heard people say “I’m going to have a tent in the backyard to save money.”

In reality, with a tent reception, there is usually more that needs to be taken care of. Think of it this way, you are literally “building” a reception venue where none existed before.

Most homes aren’t already equipped to handle 100+ people so you may need to rent such things as: generators, restrooms, lighting, fans or AC units, heaters, and trash cans.

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# 4: Misjudging the Size (and Capacity) of the Venue

You’ll have to ask yourself, “Although the venue has a maximum capacity of 200, will all 200 of my guests really be comfortable?”

Will everyone be able to easily see the goings-on of the evening, or will some be stuck behind a pillar, or (worse yet!) in another room entirely?

Will there be enough space between tables for guests and wait staff to easily maneuver, or will things be tight? cozy is one thing. Feeling like you’re packed in a sardine can is another.

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No one wants to feel like they can’t move about without knocking into something or someone. Plan accordingly so your guests enjoy a wedding that is fun and elegant, not crunched and unpleasant.

# 5: Misjudging the Timing for Your Outdoor Ceremony

outdoor wedding ceremony photo credit: alémdoquesevê_ via photopin cc

Outdoor ceremonies are beautiful. There’s nothing like celebrating amid nature – the flowers, green grass, lovely ponds . . . The scenery and landscape of outdoor sites can’t be beat!

Unless the bright sun is shining directly into your guests eyes, or it’s gotten so dark that they can’t see beyond the row in front of them.

If possible, go to your ceremony venue at a similar time of day (and similar time of year) as your wedding day to see where the sun is located. is a wonderful resource as it can tell you precisely what time sunset will occur on your wedding day, as well as the sun’s position in the sky.

# 6: Forgetting Why You’re Having a Wedding

bride and groom on their wedding day

bride and groom on their wedding day

brides on their wedding day

grooms on their wedding day

photo credits, left to right: torbakhopper via photopin cc, erin m via photopin cc,
murilocardoso via photopin cc, kristaguenin via photopin cc, cheriejoyful via photopin cc

Of all the wedding planning mistakes, this is the easiest one to do, AND is the easiest to avoid.

We understand that with all of the details involved in planning a wedding, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in the “wedding” that you forget about what’s really important.

Yes, you want all of your plans and hard work to go exactly they way you’ve envisioned it to be. But this is real life, and sometimes little hitches pop up – the flowers in your bouquet aren’t the right shade of pink, the dj plays the wrong song during intros, there are soggy patches under the tent from the rain storm the night before.

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But . . . regardless of everything else, you are marrying the love of your life so keep your focus on celebrating the joy and love you have!

Are there any other wedding planning mistakes you’d add to this list? Let me know in the comments below.

To see how Weddings From The Heart can make your wedding day stress-free, enjoyable, and just the way you want, contact me at 937-235-2586, 937-581-3647, or [email protected] and schedule your free, initial appointment!

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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Do you have questions or are looking for unique ideas for your wedding? Contact me today at [email protected] or at 937-581-3647!

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