Looking Good – Tips on Formal Wear

formal wear tuxedo

Formal wear (noun):

clothing, such as tuxedos and evening gowns, for formal social occasions

Most people would agree that there is something special about a man in a tux. They just look good.

But they would look even better if they took the time to ensure that the tuxedos they wear fit. There are some tips for insuring that tuxedos (or for that matter any suit) fits properly.

  • Buttons – For men’s jackets on tuxedos or suits, the simplest rule is to follow the “always-sometimes-never” rule. For all occasions, always button the top button, sometimes the middle button, and never the bottom button.
  • Sleeves – Some formal wear shops don’t pay attention to sleeve length. Granted a rental suit won’t fit like a tailored or custom fit jacket, but attention to the sleeve length makes a huge difference. It always looks best if about 1/4″ of the shirt cuff peeks out below the sleeve when the arms are at his side and relaxed. More than that or an “ocean” of cuff peeking out can end up looking sloppy.https://weddingsfromtheheartblog.net/2014/01/28/the-stylish-groom-formal-wear/
  • Jackets – The best length for a jacket is when arms are relaxed at the man’s side the bottom of the jacket hits about an inch above his knuckles. The shoulder seam should hit exactly where his shoulder ends. More than that and the jacket looks too big with the seam sliding down the arm. Less than that it looks like his jacket is a size too small.
  • Trousers – Hem length on trousers can be hotly debated and individual men have their own preferences, but what you want to avoid are pants that are obviously too short or too long. The best rule of thumb is hem the pants so that there is a slight break (if any) and the hem should just touch the shoelaces.
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Be sure to have the men in your wedding party order their tuxes from a reputable dealer. This gives the shop plenty of time to get merchandise in, and you have a better chance of having a suit that fits well

Also, have the men pick up their tuxes as soon as the formal wear shop allows, and remind them to try on the tux and check that all accessories (cufflinks, studs, tie, etc.) are there before leaving the store. That way there is still time to make any adjustments if something is missing or doesn’t fit properly.

Photo credit: red150770

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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