3 Reasons You Need to Have a Real Bartender at Your Wedding

bartender at wedding reception

Weddings can be expensive, and sometimes unanticipated expenses pop up. One unanticipated expense is for bartending services.

If you are lucky enough to have a venue that include a bartender, then you’re all set.

However, if your venue or caterer does not provide bartending services, please read on.

Most couples are on the lookout for areas to trim the budget, and forgoing a professional bartender may seem like a good way to save money.

You may be thinking of asking a friend or family member to take care of the bartending duties.


You may be considering having your guests serve themselves.

Don’t do it.

Unless you are not serving alcohol, (or providing only a bottle of wine on each table), this is not the place to scrimp!

“Why not?” you ask.

It all boils down to a safety issue. Now I’m not trying to imply that your guests are all a bunch of lushes, or irresponsible. Not at all.

But, it only takes one or two seemingly minor occurrences to cause a BIG problem.

Think of it this way . . .

1. A friend/family member typically finds it hard not to serve a guest who has reached their limit, or will “look away” and slip a drink to someone who is underaged.

A professional bartender will stop serving someone who is intoxicated, and will card guests and refuse to serve a guest who isn’t old enough.

2. Friends/family members tend to be heavy handed when they pour. While this may make your guests happy, they’re going to be “too happy” when they end up inebriated. Also, since the drinks have more alcohol then necessary, it will ultimately cost you more, since you’re going through more alcohol.

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A professional bartender will pour accurate amounts per glass, using standard bar measures, which moderates the amount of alcohol being served.

3. Self-serve bars also pose the issue of too much being served at a time, which can be a problem if there are heavy drinkers among your guests. Also, since there is no one there to regulate consumption, you may unknowingly serve alcohol to an underaged minor.

It’s becoming more common for venues to require an insured bartender if you are having alcohol. They have their property to protect, but it also protects you.

Be safe. Keep your guests safe.

This will help ensure you’ll only have happy memories from your wedding celebration, not ones of intoxicated guests, teens getting into the booze, or the worry of guests drinking and driving.

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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Weddings From The Heart can make your wedding day stress-free, enjoyable, and just the way you want. Contact me at 937-235-2586, 937-581-3647, or [email protected] and schedule your free, initial appointment!

Photo credit: castenoid / 123RF Stock Photo

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