The Bouquet Toss – How To Catch The Bouquet

Bouquet Toss - Tossing The Bouquet - Wedding Customs
The bouquet toss, you know that fun custom during the wedding reception when the bride throws a bouquet to all the single ladies, didn’t start out so jovial and fun.

The practice of the bride tossing her bouquet originated in 14th century Europe. At that time, the belief was that all brides and everything they touched was lucky. By merely touching a bride, or getting a piece of something she touched, wore, or carried would give a person a little bit of that luck.

A very unromantic concept – as the bride was often aggressively chased, guests tearing at her dress and bouquet in the hopes of obtaining some of her luck. Eventually brides began throwing bits of their bouquets to the crazy crowd.

This new practice of tearing apart her own bouquet to throw to several people eventually transformed to the bouquet toss practice we know today. Bride’s used to toss their own bouquet, but this eventually turned into a small toss bouquet, allowing the bride to keep hers. Instead of getting some of the bride’s luck, whoever catches it will be the next to marry.

Tossing the bouquet is the easy part. Just be wary of low ceilings or the bouquet will be bounced directly down to the floor instead of reaching the intended target – the single ladies.

Catching it takes some finesse.

Check out this entertaining infographic from our friends at Larson Jewelers which gives the single ladies an easy (and amusing) how-to and tips to increase their odds of a successful bouquet catch.

See also  Something Old - 10+ Fun Ideas For An Old Tradition

bouquet toss - infographic on how to catch the bouquet

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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8 thoughts on “The Bouquet Toss – How To Catch The Bouquet

    1. Larson Jewelers sure did a great job with that infographic. These days fewer couples are doing a bouquet or garter toss, but when they do, it’s always a lot of fun.

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