3 Ways To Keep The Love Alive – Wooing Doesn’t End At Your Wedding

It’s so important to put the effort in to keep the love alive. When you first meet someone new and start to date, you learn all you can about them from their favorite things, to – later on – the way a crease above the eye can indicate an emotion. In order to have a happy and successful dating period that leads to becoming a couple, you put in the groundwork.

You are swept off your feet and you sweep them in return. You woo. You indulge in romance.

You take your time to get to know each other, feeling your way through all those first-time things that you’ll experience together. Eventually, you’ll hopefully get engaged and end up as a happily married couple.

Marriage, however, isn’t always easy. It’s just as much work to keep a marriage alive and happy as it is to accomplish falling in love during the dating period in your life.

If problems arise, and you’re wondering why your relationship is failing, you need to look at the effort you are putting into your marriage and whether you’re putting in as much as you did at the beginning.

There are plenty of ways to keep the woo in your relationship. You should never stop dating the person that you’ve married, mainly because we all change over time. In ten years, the person that you married won’t exist anymore and hopefully, you’ll have grown and changed together.

There are some lovely ideas to keep a marriage – and your love – alive and we’ve got some of those below:

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Keep The Love Alive - Romance Doesn't End At Your WeddingImage Source

1) Keep The Love Alive – Get Away

When you have children, you dilute your relationship a little. Children can be a distraction, but that doesn’t mean that you should stop romancing each other. You’re still people, still a couple, and you still count.

Think about going away together without the children. Check out www.hermannwinetrail.com for more about how to plan a visit simply for adults to enjoy. Getting away can give you time to rediscover what you have always loved about each other. It’s always there, it just needs nurturing.

2) Keep The Love Alive – Play

How many times do you play together? I’m not talking about love and sex, but how often do you have fun? Chase each other with water balloons? Have a Nerf fight with the best new guns?

This type of play time is usually reserved for children, but you both need to be able to remember what you found fun about the other. Life is altogether too serious sometimes; take a little bit of it away and you’ve got two people in love who can laugh together again.

3) Keep The Love Alive – Intimacy

There are plenty of ways to think about how to be intimate together. From a picnic in the backyard by candlelight, to an afternoon in the bedroom together. Intimacy is what sets you apart from being best friends. Make sure to keep that fan flamed; it’s not one that you want to die down.

The time when you put in effort on your relationship doesn’t end with marriage. Instead, it just starts a new level of effort that you need.

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What ways do you and your partner woo and keep the love alive?

* This is a contributed post

I hope you found this information useful!

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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