4 Ways to Sprinkle Some Fun Into Your Wedding Planning

You’ve probably seen a lot of wedding planning tips on how to have a fun wedding. But what about how to make wedding planning fun? Shouldn’t the wedding planning be fun and stress-free too?

It’s no doubt that getting ready for your wedding day can be a very stressful time. Even though this is meant to be a very special moment in your life, with all of the details involved, you’re bound to feel some nerves and stresses.

So if you’re in the process of stressing out over your wedding day, considering whether or not those age old traditions have a place in your big day, let’s try and sprinkle some more fun into the matter, shall we?

4 Ways to Sprinkle Some Fun Into Your Wedding Planning - make wedding planning fun
Even the floral arrangements were impossible…

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1. Get the Girls (or Guys) Over

You have a lot of friends, some of whom are going to stand up for you as bridesmaids and groomsmen (maybe even a bridesman). So why not include them in all the planning you have to do?

Being surrounded by friends during tough times, no matter how happy the outcome is going to be, can make stress literally drop off of your shoulders!

Whether you’re addressing invitations or creating your own centerpieces, when you’ve got all these friends waiting in the wings to support you, simply not inviting them around to help you out would be silly. They can bring the drinks, plenty of snacks, and even a manicure set to give your nails a freshen up.

Hey, 5 or 6 heads (or pairs of hands) are always going to be better than just one!

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[ctt template=”1″ link=”eZ2Na” via=”yes” nofollow=”yes”]4 Ways to Make Wedding Planning Fun.[/ctt]

2. Shop Online for Your Dress

Does going to a bridal salon and trying on lots of dresses fill you with dread? Would you rather shop from the comfort of your own sofa?

Then shopping online for your bridal gown might be a good option for you!

A few things to keep in mind though before you place that order:

1. Don’t go by size alone. Carefully read over the size and measurement charts and guidelines.
2. Be aware of their return policy. Wedding dresses are often special orders so returns are not permitted.
3. You’re still likely going to need some alterations to get a “perfect fit.”
4. Make sure you’re ordering from a reputable site. We’ve all heard too many horror stories of poor quality and late shipping from unreputable online establishments. Don’t let that happen to you!

3. You’re Not In This By Yourself

You won’t be getting married by yourself, so why should the planning be any different? You have your partner there by your side, so be sure to ask for help and get them involved. Also be sure to celebrate little accomplishments along the way with a nice dinner, a couples massage, a movie, or maybe a game of bowling or putt-putt golf.

Remember, you’re in it together and all work and no play is not the way to go.

4. Most of All, Give Yourself Enough Time

How much time is “enough”? Most engagements are between 6 – 18 months, so feel free to push back your wedding date if you’re worried about the time frame you’re currently working with. Paris Hilton did it, and so can you!

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Give yourself at least 3 months between now and the big day itself – definitely more if your wedding will take place during a peak wedding month.

On the other hand, if you’re just wanting something super simple and 3 months seems like an eternity to you, and you know you wouldn’t be able to healthily live through that time, simply book it a or two week from now.

Don’t worry, sprinkling some fun into your wedding preparation just takes a bit of thought.

* This is a contributed post

I hope you found this information useful!

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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For planning help and unique ideas for your wedding call or text me at 937-581-3647, or email me at [email protected]!

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