Non-Traditional Wedding Ideas – 4 Ways To Go Against The Norm With Your Wedding

Here’s the thing. There is nothing wrong with a traditional wedding. If you want to follow some of the latest wedding trends, that’s fine. But if tradition isn’t your thing, or if you want to change up a few things, you can always choose some non-traditional wedding ideas.

It’s your special day. You and your partner should have free rein to do whatever is meaningful and important to the two of you.

Bride smiling and holding a bouquet of red roses - non-traditional wedding ideasPhoto Credit: OmarMedinaFilms from Pixabay CC0

If you want to do something a little different, your wedding becomes a little different and therefore more memorable, Both you and your guests can benefit from the experience as a result.

So, how could you go against the norm?

#1: You could opt for a unique wedding venue

Traditionally, many people get married in a church. There is nothing wrong with this, of course. And some people get married on the beach, or at places of particular scenic beauty. Again, this is fine. But if you wanted to go against the norm, you could choose somewhere a little different. Check out these unusual wedding venues, for example. With everything from treehouses to underground caverns, they are anything but ‘normal,’ but whoever said your wedding had to be normal anyway?

#2: You could personalize your wedding vows

Okay, so this is something that many couples are now getting into the habit of doing, but you can go one step further still. You might want to use romantic movie lines within your vows, especially if you and your partner have a love for a specific movie. You could even sing your vows to each other, perhaps using lyrics from songs that are meaningful to you both. You might even recite poetry to each other, or use lines from great works of literature. Or, you could simply speak from the heart without any planning whatsoever!

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This last idea is risky, of course, but if nerves don’t get the better of you, your words could become especially memorable (for the right reasons).

#3: You could have a fancy dress wedding

Sure, you could go for the traditional white wedding dress, with your bridesmaids lined up behind you in identical outfits. The groom could wear a suit and tie, and your guests could dress in their usual fineries. But if you and your partner have a love for something particular, you could wear outfits that coordinate with that. Sci-fi fans might go for the Han and Leia look from Star Wars, for example, or lovers of all things 1950s could wear something rock ‘n’ roll-themed.

And aside from the outfits that are worn at the wedding, you could theme the venue too, and plan music, food, and games that relate to the theme you had chosen. Here are some unique fancy dress ideas if you need a little bit of inspiration.

#4: Do something a little different on your honeymoon

Beach-type honeymoons are often the norm, as are romantic getaways to scenic places. But when thinking of honeymoon ideas, you could opt for something a little different. As seen in the linked article, you could have a theme park or thrill-seeking honeymoon. You could stay somewhere against the norm too, perhaps in a castle, a treehouse, or even a yurt. So, think outside the box a little when you’re planning where to go, and enjoy a honeymoon that you will never forget!

So, what do you think of these non-traditional wedding ideas? Could you go against the norm with your wedding? Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below.

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* This is a contributed post

I hope you found this information useful!

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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