How To Treat Your Bridesmaids Right

When you are choosing bridesmaids, one of the considerations to think about is how to make sure you treat your bridesmaids right (being a member of the wedding party should feel like an honor, not an obligation, and be treated as such). This will help them to enjoy the day more themselves and for everyone to get more out of the experience. So here are some things to consider on that front and help you to treat your bridesmaids right.

treat your bridesmaids rightPhoto Credit: Emma Bauso via Pexels (CCO License)

4 Ways to Treat Your Bridesmaids Right

1. Ask Them Right

One of the best ways to make your bridesmaids feel special is to ask them in a special way. You can even think of it as a kind of proposal, if you like! If you get more creative with how you ask them rather than just a “oh, by the way, will you be my bridesmaid?,” you will find that they are much more likely to feel appreciated. That gets the ball rolling in a really good way that is going to make all the difference by the time the wedding itself comes around.

Maybe a giant cookie or a bottle of wine with “will you be my bridesmaid?” printed on it. So make sure that you plan ahead on how you are going to ask them, and that you make it a little bit special.

2. Buy Them A Gift

You might also want to think about buying them a gift, as a way of saying thank you for being your bridesmaids. Sure, it’s customary to give the people in your wedding party a Thank You gift at the rehearsal or on the wedding day, but a little something during the planning stages lets them know you really appreciate them. And they, in turn, will greatly appreciate your gesture.

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That gift can be pretty much anything, but something that reminds them of the time spent together helping plan the wedding or of the event itself is probably going to be what you want to aim for here.

3. Make Them Look Beautiful

One major concern that bridesmaids often have is how they are going to look on the day of the wedding itself. You will be doing them a huge favor if you make a point of selecting fantastic bridesmaids dresses which they look great in. It will show if they feel good about what they are wearing (which will make your wedding photos that much better).

You may also want to take them with you to choose those dresses to get their input and make sure that they are happy with the choice. Or if you already have some dress styles in mind, give them the option of which they prefer.

Remember fabulous accessories too: it makes all the difference to how they look and feel if you have them wear some beautiful bridesmaid jewelry.

bride and ladies getting ready and drinking champagnePhoto Credit: Jonathan Borba via Pexels (CCO License)

4. Let Them Help

You will probably find that your bridesmaids all want to help you out with your wedding plans and preparations. So why not consider letting them help as much as possible. In fact, if you decline their offers and fail to let them help, you might find that they are going to be quite upset about this.

Rather than trying to control everything yourself, allow your bridesmaids to help you out in the way that you need them to. This is going to make a huge difference to how they feel about being in that role.

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On the flip side, you don’t want to force them to help (or make them feel bad if they can’t help as much as she (or you) would want her to. Sure, one of the duties of being a bridesmaid is helping the brides with pre-wedding tasks and projects. But, due to a variety of reasons – logistics (maybe she doesn’t live close), time restraints (not able to take time off of work), other life obligations – a bridesmaid may not be able to help as much.

What are your thoughts on how to treat your bridesmaids right? Do you have other suggestions? Let me know in the comments below!

* This is a contributed post

I hope you found this information useful!

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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