10 Easy Ways to Really Enjoy Your Wedding (From Planning to the Big Day Itself!)

enjoy your wedding - Happy Bride & Groomphoto credit: randomdirectory via photopin cc

The days spent planning your wedding, not to mention the wedding day itself, will go by so fast. Some of that time can be stressful, other times a lot of fun. Here are 10 ways you can enjoy your wedding day (and the days leading up to it).

1. Take Your Time
You’ve got a lot to do, so give yourself plenty of time for planning. 12 –18 months is ideal. Having extra time helps keep stress levels down AND give you more time to search for and save money for the things you really want.

2. Be Present In Each Moment
One of the biggest complaints couples have after their wedding day is that it went by so fast that it’s all just a big blur.

So, during the planning, especially the fun parts like food tastings and music selections, and absolutely on your wedding day – step back and just soak it all in. You’re making these wonderful memories, so be sure to take a moment to really experience it.

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3. Do A First Look
Many couples look forward to the first moment when they first see each other. There’s nothing that compares to that emotional experience. But doing a “first look” instead of waiting to see each other during the ceremony processional does not diminish that flood of emotion. And it can be even more special since you have the opportunity to have a special moment – just the two of you – and really have the time to let the moment sink in.

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4. Don’t Get Caught Up In “Perfection”
Real life isn’t perfect, and beware of anyone who promises that they can make everything perfect. Sorry to be blunt but they’re lying, or delusional. It just isn’t humanly possible.

Instead, relax and appreciate the little moments of your wedding day

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5. Share Something Personal And Unique With Your Guests
There is no one right way to do a wedding. Which is wonderful, because it gives you so many options to create a wedding day that really represents the two of you. Special poetry for our ceremony readings. Including family customs. Playing Grandma’s favorite hymn. Having your caterer recreate a favorite family dish.

Sharing something personal and special adds to the emotional enjoyment for everyone in the room. Not to mention all those wonderful photos and video you’ll have that has captured this personal-ness.

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6. Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize
There are just too many details that go into a wedding to be able to put the same level of importance on each one – you’ll just end up driving yourself (and everyone around you) crazy!

Make a list of all the things that you will have in your wedding – the music, the cake, the flowers, and rate them by order of importance. What’s more important to you, a delicious cake or awesome flowers? Fabulous food or a killer gown? Get your fiancé’s input as well. It’s his wedding too!

Ideally, you may “want it all” but unless you’ve got the pocketbook of a Rockefeller, you’ll need to make some compromises. Choose the top 3 or 4 things that are most important to you and your fiancé, and concentrate most on them.

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enjoy your wedding - Happy Bride & Groomphoto credit: Nathan Congleton via photopin cc

7. Accept That You Can’t Please Everyone
At no other time in your life will so many people offer up their opinions, advice, and thoughts about what you “should” do for your wedding. Some may sound good, some will seem silly, and others will make absolutely no sense for you and your fiancé at all.

Avoid the head spin by understanding that you cannot please everyone! And guess what? It’s absolutely OK! This is the one day in your lives where the only people you have to please are you and your fiancé, and absolutely no one else.

8. Remember why you’re planning this wedding
It’s not just because of one day, but for all the following days that you will be blessed to spend with the love of your life. Remember to schedule some regular ‘non-wedding’ activities by yourself and with friends. Remember to pamper yourself – put on some relaxing music & soak in the tub. Schedule regular dates with your fiancé – but do not talk about the wedding. And most important, have fun!

9. Eat!
I know you’re going to be excited, and probably not have much of an appetite, but . . .

Take the time to eat on the day of your wedding. Have breakfast, a bagel and cream cheese, maybe some fruit. And if your ceremony start time is late enough, eat lunch.

You’ll be on your feet and on the go for several hours before dinner time. Make sure you keep your body properly fueled. You don’t want make yourself worn out and hungry – or worse yet, pass out from lack of food.

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10. Hire A Day-Of Coordinator
You’ve put so much time and effort working on your wedding plans before the big day – You (as well as your wedding party and your mom) shouldn’t have to work ON the day itself. Having a day-of coordinator allows you to be able to actually be able to relax and enjoy your wedding day.

I tell my couples that their job is to look gorgeous and enjoy your wedding day. My job is to make sure that everything goes smoothly and just they way they’ve planned it to be.

Hearts, Joy, Love!

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Looking for fun ideas, or need help with your wedding plans? Contact me at [email protected] or at 937-581-3647.

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