A Countdown of Our 10 Most Popular Posts of 2023

Video by Eastflower99 via Pixabay

Welcome to my roundup of the previous year’s most popular content! As we bid farewell to another year, it’s time to unveil the curtain on our digital hall of fame – the top 10 most popular posts of 2023. Join me on this retrospective, and like the ball drop in Times Square, lets start with number 10 of the most popular posts.

Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2023

10) Uninvited Wedding Guests? Here’s How To Handle It
Whether it’s someone who responded “No” to your RSVP but came anyway, or a guest bringing a +1, when no +1s were issued, unanticipated wedding guests showing up to the reception happens all too frequently! Here are some tips to help prevent it (or smoothly handle it).

9) Funny Things Kids Think About Love
Out of the mouths of babes . . . Kids certainly have their own spin to everything in life. Here are 10 thought-inspiring quotes by kids on their thoughts on love.

8) Wedding Ceremony Now/Reception Later?

popular postsPhoto Credit: Ylanite Koppens via Pixabay

The pandemic of 2020 sure changed the way weddings were handled, from postponing the event for another year or so, paring down the festivities for a small affair, or even doing just a small wedding ceremony with the intent of having a larger reception later once things got back to “normal.” If you’re considering doing a smaller ceremony now with a big reception later, this article is for you.

7) 35+ Wedding Puns That’ll Bring Even The Cake To Tiers
Weddings may be serious business, but we can still find the humor and have a laugh at the same time. Here are 35+ wedding puns that are sure to put a smile on your face, and elicit a chuckle or two.

See also  3 Creative Ways and Tips to Announce Your Wedding Engagement

6) Biggest, Heaviest, Most Expensive – 12 Record Breaking Wedding Statistics
A wedding cake less than a half an inch tall? A wedding dress that weighed 400 pounds? We are seriously fascinated by extremes and pushing the limits. The biggest, the smallest, the longest, the most expensive – it’s all here.

5) 3 Ways To Combat That Ugly Wedding Eyesore At Your Venue
most popular blog postsPhoto Credit: Alan Levine via Flickr

An all too common complaint, (so no wonder that it’s one of our most popular blog posts) but in reality, is usually one of the easiest to remedy. Read this article to see what to do so your wedding venue is picture perfect.

4) 6 Most Common Wedding Nightmares and What They Mean
Why does our subconscious like to have fun at our expense? And if you’re planning your wedding, at some point your subconscious will toss in a wedding nightmare or two. Is this you? Then you’re not alone. Read this article to find out what your subconscious may be trying to tell you. (Then again, sometimes a dream is just a dream).

3) How to Make Your Bride Feel Special on Her Wedding Day
Of course your bride knows that she is special to you. But planning a wedding is time consuming and can be stressful, so why not take a moment to express your love and support? Here are some tips on how to do that.

2) Wedding Speech Stories You’ll Love to Tell

wedding speechPhoto Credit: Thomas William via Unsplash

While the newlyweds are the stars-of-the-show, they aren’t the only ones with a job to do on the wedding day. Part of the duties of being a Maid of Honor or Best Man is to give a speech at the reception. This article will help you to create a wedding speech that is memorable (for all the right reasons).

See also  3 Ways To Keep Your Wedding From Emptying Your Bank Account

1) 8 Other Roles For Friends In Weddings (That Isn’t The Wedding Party)
You have people that want to help, and you have tasks that need to be handled. Being a member of the wedding party isn’t the only important job that needs to be fulfilled on your wedding day. Here are 8 other wedding roles your loved ones can do for you.

Thank you for being part of this journey through the top 10 popular posts of the past year. I can’t wait to embark on new adventures together in the year ahead.

Hearts, Joy, Love!

Author of “Wedding Invitations, RSVPs, and More! Oh My!”  and “From ‘I Will’ to ‘I Do’”

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Have questions about your wedding plans? Contact me today at [email protected] or by phone or text at 937-581-3647!

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